Jacques Steyn  

Original music

Since secondary school I was more interested in jamming out my own tunes than to copycat the hit parade.

I have had numerous music projects which featured my own compositions.

Here is one such group. I scored the lyrics of the Biblical Song of Songs of which we performed a 15 minute extract in Pretoria. For this project I got together a number of music students, and we called ourselves Lumen. I also did the orchestration for the piece, and a special thanks to Chris James who assisted in the technicalities of notation, of which I knew little. Today Chris is a well-known classical composer.

Lynette Lombaard (clavinet), Hannelie de Beer (flute), Jacques Steyn (acoustic guitar and singing), Marieke van Wingerden (singing), Celia Lombaard (cello)

This was pretty much unique as the style of the composition was modern rock, yet we used typical "classical" instruments. Marieke later sang opera

My other original stuff was performed in various other genres (see the Rock Section and Cabaret Section) at a wide range of venues, and for different kinds of functions (art festivals, corporate shows, 'home concerts', theatres, school halls, restaurants, clubs).